FEBA Boys Basketball
FEBA Boys Basketball is celebrating its 15th year as a premier AAU developmental program. FEBA is short for Folsom Elite Basketball Academy which relays the purpose of our program. In 2010 we started with 16, athletic 3rd grade boys who were in search of a basketball experience that would challenge them by providing top notch training, quality competition & bring together like-minded boys & families who looked for similar experiences & teammates.
Boys 3rd through 8th grade are welcome to join FEBA.
When are tryouts?
There will be 3 tryout sessions between August and May. All players must attend at least 2 nights of tryouts.
Tryouts will be held at
Different locations depending on the season. We get gyms when ever we can!!!
Players will be evaluated on their individual basketball skills, understanding of the game & team concepts as well as ability to fill a role on a team. The top 8-10 players from each grade level will be invited to join a team.
Tryout fee
There is a one time $30 tryout fee that covers all tryout sessions.
What to bring?
Players should wear a t-shirt or reversible jersey, and basketball shoes & shorts.
Players should also bring their own basketball & a water bottle.
Spring Season Details
Practices begin on March 17 and each team practices 2 times a week. Each practice is 1.5 hours long.
Tournaments begin April 5 and will be played every other weekend. We will be off for Spring break or the week of April 14-April 20.
The season will end on May 24/25/26 in Tahoe. This is a 3 day event so please plan ahead…
The cost per season varies but is is usually between $500-$700 depending on uniform needs.
2025 Spring Tryouts / Season
This is for our Boys Spring 2025. The tryouts for our Spring season have concluded . Congratulations to all the boys who made their respective teams! It’s going to be an awesome season for FEBA!